Dharma in the Stars: Integrating Saturn (In-person)
With Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
March 21 - 23, 2025
Are you ready to explore the deep and powerful waters of human liberation through the lens of Dharmic Astrology? The theme for this year’s Dharma in the Stars is the 12th House. In other words: How do you make the unconscious conscious? Gain insights into your shadow projections and hidden talents, and become more aware of the shapings of your womb experience. Join Catherine Sensei, a wisdom teacher who has developed AstroDharma as a tool for transformation, in a weekend ripe for life-altering insights
About the Leader

Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
Catherine Pawasarat has developed awakening for the alleviation of suffering for all beings by training daily with awakening master Doug Duncan Sensei since 1997. She helped found Clear Sky after helping establish and develop Kyoto-based Dharma Japan. In particular, Catherine focuses on dharma training, a methodology for speedy unfoldment for those strong of heart and […]
Learn more about Catherine Pawasarat SenseiCategory : Planet Dharma