Money and Spirituality - Exclusive Small Group Coaching Program Online

With Karen McAllister

Open Dates

Location: Online

Suggested minimum monthly offering: $300

Reach Out to Karen: Diversity and inclusivity is important for healing to happen on a global level around money. Therefore all are welcome, whether you have access to resources or not. Nobody will be turned away.

To discuss what you can offer, click here to email Karen

Pay from the Heart
  • CAD $300.00 – $300 per month allows Clear Sky to continue to be dedicated to offering quality programs like this, by pay from the heart.
  • CAD $350.00 – $350 per month helps Clear Sky to further develop Clear Sky programs, resources and our community of teachers.
  • CAD $450.00 – $450 per month helps us be able to supply these offerings to others, who may not be able to afford the minimum.

Are you ready for a deeper dive?

Given Covid-19 and the big life changes many of us are experiencing, this is a perfect time to receive support in areas that may need deep care, or are holding us back. We can use this unique time to nurture that which may be seeking our attention or which we might not have prioritized before. 

Karen is offering live group coaching to a smaller group, exclusively to graduates of the Money and Spirituality course. 

The coaching program gives you an opportunity to work on your main challenging money patterns more deeply, learn additional tools, and benefit from the support and insights of the coach and other participants.  This will help you make the changes you need to make in your life and deepen the wholesome friendships you had started with the people on the 4-week course. With many shifts in our life and work, changes in income and social distancing, this is undoubtedly a time of major transition. Transitions are potent times to make big shifts in our lives. Transitions offer us openings for big changes to happen.

We’re limiting the group to eight people so that Karen and the group can connect with each other in a real way.

This course is for you if you’d like to have consistent support in accountability to change your challenging money patterns, and regular and direct feedback from Karen and your fellow participants over an extended period.

What will you get from this program?

  • The support to build or strengthen an alive and consistent daily spiritual money practice, over several months
  • Accountability to work through your strategies around your challenging patterns to get to your desired state around money. 
  • Help to create consistent, solid financial structures and systems for your personal and/or business life.
  • Help to mitigate fear & overwhelm in your system as the next wave of Covid-19 unfolds.
  • A wealth of tools and practices related to monitoring your fear and scarcity states that you can apply at your home and work – the ultimate in self-nurturing DIY!
  • Practical, authentic advice & guidance from a coach who has over 10 years of experience working with people who are more spiritually inclined who dissociate, ignore or check out in their relationship with the material. 
  • A safe forum to have real conversations about the issues in your life.
  • An improvement in your relationships, your issues around money, your time management, and other big rocks.
  • More ways to apply mindfulness and awareness around money conversations at your workplace, in your relationships, and your daily life.

What Rena said:

“When I began working with Karen, I was ready to shift my relationship with money even though I didn’t know what that meant. Karen is a guide through the spiritual forest of baggage that comes with having a little or a lot of money. She took my hand and gently led me thru the archetypes, my existing mindset, and showed me options for where I could be. Yes, this is about money, but it’s so much deeper. Karen is a compassionate, spiritual, tactical, and straight-talking teacher who led me out of the shadows and into my light. I feel enormous gratitude for Karen compassionately holding me accountable in looking at my past, my present and my future relationship with wealth in all its forms.”

What Sam said:

“Before Karen, I couldn’t accept a compliment and I was giving away anything I could in an attempt to compensate for any mistakes I made. Her methods are so intuitive and unique I keep coming back for more. I’ve had many therapists and many coaches for different stages of my life but Karen seems to meld the two and I wouldn’t have grown my business to six figures without her help, I would have been stuck in my own way. When I started with Karen I often said “I’ll never have employees” now I have a handful that I love working with.”

When will it run, and what would your commitment be?

  • The exact starting date, the time of the calls, and any scheduled breaks will be agreed upon between the coach and participants.
  • You’ll attend two, 120 minute live sessions per month. These will be scheduled for six months, with an option to continue for another three months.
  • You’ll do buddy check-ins with other participants in rotation over the course, and connect through WhatsApp.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to join Karen for 30-minute laser calls if needed.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to do a one-weekend retreat called Holistic Clearing near the end, or after the program – either at Clear Sky, at home, or at a centre of your choice. It is optional. It is a retreat of self-nurturing and care. You come away with knowing your strengths, areas of development, and areas of potential. You will walk away knowing what talents, abilities and skills you need to leverage more, and others you need to let go of. the weekend will be using meditation, creative writing, archetypes to explore more deeply your personal vision and passion and bringing in the money conversation to align with this. 

The cost to you

We’ll offer this program on the basis of dāna or “pay-from-the-heart,” with a minimum commitment.

It will be our joy to dive deeper with a small group of you, sharing more directly the benefits of our own practice. We trust you’ll match our time, energy, and passion for this body of work by giving an amount of money that feels good and healthy to both you and us.

For twice a month live coaching from Karen McAllister, a supportive buddy system, and other resources as they become available, we invite you to look over the following sliding scale, starting at $300 per month. Please come and chat to if you would love to do it, but don’t have the finances. We will not turn anyone away.  


  • $300 per month allows Clear Sky to continue to be dedicated to offering quality programs like this, by pay from the heart.

  • $350 per month helps Clear Sky to further develop Clear Sky programs, resources and our community of teachers.

  • $450 per month helps us be able to supply these offerings to others, who may not be able to afford the minimum.

If you feel in an abundant and solid financial situation, feel free to offer more.  If you are struggling financially, you can offer at a lower scale.  Since we do have expenses such as the hosting platform used for the coaching calls, and we are investing significant amounts of time and experience, after deep consideration we are setting a minimum amount of $300 CAD/month.

About the Leader

Karen McAllister

Karen has worked with over 150 clients, helping them untangle their money issues and to become more effective in their work because of it. To do this, Karen has studied financial issues extensively from both the practical, behavioural, and the emotional perspectives. This is all great, yet her real magic and super power comes from […]

Learn more about Karen McAllister

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